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9 Interesting Secrets Of People With Less Energy Bills

Keeping up with a stagnant energy bill is like a dream come true! Many homeowners face this problem of experiencing high energy bills at home; however, they aren’t aware of what exactly can be done to reduce bills.

But it is not rocket science to reduce energy bills at your home!

All, you need is to follow certain tips and tactics that most of the homeowners perform for reduction in energy consumption bills at home.

So, are you ready to know some of the secrets most of the people follow to reduce energy bills?

Well, below here, we have mentioned some of the essential secrets that every person must know if they wish to reduce bills. In a nutshell, getting energy bills controlled has been an easy process.

Hence, let’s get started…

They Make Use of the Correct Apps

Enlist the help of your smartphone in your quest to save energy. There are a plethora of apps available that track your energy usage and provide tips to help you save money. Most of these applications are free or charge a modest price, and they can assist you in determining where you might save energy.

They are well-versed in their application.

A home energy audit is the greatest approach to get a handle on your house’s energy usage. An audit can help you figure out how much energy you use, identify problem areas where energy is being wasted, and make the required energy-saving changes. RESNET or the Building Performance Institute can help you discover a competent energy auditor in your area. If you want to do things yourself, use these simple step-by-step instructions from the US Department of Energy to do your own energy assessment.

They Program Their Thermostat

If you don’t have a programmed thermostat, now is a good time to get one. These ingenious technologies allow you to program the temperature to rise or fall in accordance with your work and sleep schedules. Lower the thermostat in the winter and raise it in the summer when no one is home to avoid paying to heat and cool an empty house. If you program the thermostat correctly, you might expect to save 10% or more on your heating expenditures.

They Make Extensive Use Of Windows

You’re missing out on a significant opportunity if you’re not using your windows to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Keep shades, blinds, and curtains open during the day to let in sunlight and provide natural warmth and light during the winter months. Close window coverings tightly as the sun sets to reduce heat loss. If your windows are old and inefficient, you might want to consider putting heavier drapes during the winter to prevent warm air from escaping.

They believe in caulking the cracks in the walls.

Using inexpensive caulking, spray foam, and weatherstripping, locate and seal any air leaks around windows and doors. Closing cracks and gaps can help you save money on heating and cooling while also making your house more comfortable and draft-free. Check for leaks or gaps around chimneys, in areas where plumbing, ductwork, or electrical equipment passes through the external walls, around recessed lighting, and around bathroom, kitchen, and dryer vents, and seal them.

They Dry in a Strategic Manner

Don’t forget about the obvious: Your dryer generates a lot of heat. A dryer not only dries your clothing, but it also generates a lot of heat in the space. Choose a time to do your laundry when you most need the heat, such as first thing in the morning or after you return home from work. Because you’re already comfy and toasty in bed, running the dryer overnight is a waste of energy.

They Bundle together.

Put a sweater on. There are a variety of reasons why winter fashion publications feature models wearing sweaters. Sweaters not only look beautiful and hide any winter weight gain, but they also keep you warm. On the coldest days, layering your clothes—for example, a long-sleeve T-shirt under a mid-weight sweater topped with a fleece-lined jacket or vest—will keep you warm. Wearing a sweater also allows you to lower the temperature while being comfortable. Check out fleece-lined jeans and fuzzy wool socks if you’re looking for some extra warmth.

They Reverse Their Fans

Most people associate ceiling fans with summertime, when they are used to cool down heated rooms and improve air circulation. Most ceiling fans, on the other hand, include reversible motors that can be programmed to force warm air down in the winter, increasing room comfort. Set your ceiling fan on “forward” or clockwise rotation in the winter to drive warm air trapped by the ceiling down into the room and enhance overall air distribution. Choose an Energy Star-certified ceiling fan to save even more money, as they are up to 50% more efficient than standard models.

They provide insulation

Heat rises, and you’d better hope your attic is well insulated to keep that warmth from escaping. According to the Department of Energy, a properly insulated attic can save you 10 to 50% on your energy expenditures. Insulation should be your first line of protection against energy loss. It slows airflow and eliminates draughts that suffocate a home’s warm air. Insulation comes in a variety of forms, including loose fill, batt, fibreglass blankets, and cotton. Investigate which sort of insulation is best for your home and how much you’ll require based on your climate and house type.


We understand, earning money is very hard and that is why making the most out it is what is viable. Following the above-mentioned secrets and tactics, it is definitely possible to get down the energy consumption bills at your home. However, if you’re stuck anywhere, Energy Savings Massachusetts is always at your assistance. All you need is to contact us and leave the rest on us! 

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